Friday, 3 October 2008

The Fad - Kill Punk Rock Stars

"Go to hell! You & the image that you sell"

I wish this band would tour the UK, totally awesome punk/ska/hardcore band and they do all three brilliantly. When I first heard the 'Kill Punk Rock Stars' album I knew it was going to be top or very high in my top albums of 2008.

I discovered this band totally by accident. I was on vacation in New York City last summer (07) and had the opportunity to see Bomb The Music Industry! play a yard show at Sealab in Brooklyn. This meant extending my stay in NYC by an extra night costing an arm and a leg. The girl I was with thought I was crazy for wanting to stay just to see a band play in someones back garden. I missed the whole UK tour that BTMI had done the previous December, I didn't want to walk away from this opportunity.

We rolled up to the show about 9pm, having walked about 15 minutes through a very darkened area of Brooklyn, we had missed 2 bands and told when entering that something had happened to one of the support bands and that BTMI were going on shortly. BTMI were everything I hoped for and the local crowd were going nuts, dancing in a way which i can only describe as a mix between slam dancing and hop scotching, aka the Brooklyn skank.

After the band finished there didn't seem to be any rush for the door which you usually get at venues in the UK, instead people just sort of hung out and chatted amongst themselves. At this point I picked up the, then, new BTMI album 'Get Warmer' and a poster celebrating its release.

Just as we were about to head off, there was a cheer and applause as a few guys came into the garden. Enter The Fad. The Fad were meant to be supporting BTMI, which they kind of did but i missed it. Apparently during the first song of The Fad's earlier set the singer, Jimmy, hit his head on something splitting his head open. Lots of blood and a trip to the hospital, Jimmy was back and ready to carry on, bandaged et al.

The band covered pretty much all my favourite genres from Ska to hardcore to punk rock. The kids went nuts and everyone left happy. Unfortunately they didn't have any merch with them. But their Myspace page kept me going for my Fad fix.

Earlier this year one of my friends mentioned he was going to see them play and he picked up a copy of the album for me. Not alot of time passes until that album is back playing on my iTunes or iPod. I seriously recommend checking it out, and if you have time ping them a message telling them to come to the UK!

The Fad - Vinyl Paradise MP3

The Fad - Myspace

Bomb The Music Industry - Myspace

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